Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Holiday's

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, Happy Holiday's or whatever term is 'correct'!?!

Christmas is a time for happiness, joy, sharing, and family fun, however if your W, it will bring, tears, anxiety, fear and meltdowns of epic size. Now don't get me wrong he is very excited that Santa will be bringing him presents and really loves the magic of Christmas, but as his momma I know that it will be several days of over stimulatingg, loud places, and sensory over load, while W tends to be a seeker, strong hugs and throwing his body into things he is also an avoider, load noises, to bright or to dark, or just the unknown in general causes him fear and stress...

And of course being the person I am, I will/am stressing over what is to come and how to navigate it in a way that will cause the lest amount of upset for everyone. 

The last big family holiday (Thanksgiving) did not go over well, and I have fears of a repeat. This is all still knew to me, while we have known things where not quite 'right' with W for a long time, this will be the first holiday having a real dx, and that's a game changer. Finally I have real answers to give, and not just we are waiting, we think maybe.....but he has X,Y,Z and these are the reasons for all you see and don't understand!

However I am fully aware that there will be/are those who can not and will not understand either because these things are so foreign to them I might as well be speaking Russian, or my favorite the 'there ain't nothing wrong with that youngin, whoop his ass' types assholes, or those who simply blame me, the ones with 'perfect' children, and the 'I'd never allow my child to xyz.... (who are just as bad as the whoop their ass group). Last time all of this lead to a panic attack, on my part, because of all the stress and anger...

How do you explain to family, things they don't understand, and better yet why should I HAVE to? I want to scream "step out of your close minded, narrow view of the world and see, just see past the nonstop talking, the running circles while talking to himself, the "talking hands", and the inability to fallow what may seem a simple instruction, and just see this child, MY child and all he has to offer you and the world, I can guarantee you that he is one of a kind and has a whole world to share with you if you'll just allow him to.

I should add that this is not all of our family, and not everyone makes me want to scream, but I seem to spend 90% of my time trying to explain my child and my parenting, and this Christmas all I want is a little understanding, and the strength to say " It's not my job to educate you, he has XYZ go google it yourself and back off dunb ass"

So Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, Happy Holiday's or whatever term is 'correct'!?!

And for the New Year my motto is "you can't fix stupid"

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