Tuesday, December 27, 2011

a nice holiday

It's been just that...a nice holiday! I was ready and set for the chaos that is my everyday life to be a hundred times worse this weekend/week but to my surprise that has not been the case. I am unsure if this is a result of me being less stressed, and slower to anger (meaning maybe people are still just as clueless and I simple don't care) or if after my FREAK-OUT at thanksgiving everyone was simply trying a little harder or what but it's been nice.

There of course has been times where W has been on sensory overload and his ADHD has been in full force, but that I can handle (with the help of my wonderful husband E) those things I handle everyday. And the true happiness that W has had this weekend/week gives me hope for his/our future.

At times I worry because at 6, W, seems to carry all of the worlds sadness in his own hart. And the fears of a thousand in his mind. However this week he has gotten to just enjoy being a 6 year old, who Santa brought just what he wanted, and for now all is right in his world. I will admit that while he got lots of great presents he has thought/played with one with almost the complete exclusion of all others but that's OK, his obsessions have a new home for now (skylanders)!

K and T have also had a great holiday filled with lots of new toy's and presents, and have had a great time visiting with all the family. They are great kids, all three of them, and really remind me just how great life can be/is!

This holiday I have received the greatest gift, a happy family! A little less stress about doctors or dx, or how to raise my special needs child and my other 2 children in a way that will let them grow up to be happy, well-adjusted, caring adults! For today we are just a 'normal' family spending a great holiday with our family and enjoying life....it's a great gift!  < course my Kindle Fire is nice too ;)  >

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