Wednesday, April 18, 2012

update 4-18-12

Sorry it's been 4 months since my last post (however I am not sure there is anyone out there reading anyways, but if you are thanks for hanging in there with me)

We have been very busy with doctor visits, we have a conformed dx of sever ADHD and SPD and are waiting the results of the ASD testing on April 24. We have tried 5 different ADHD meds at this point and nothing is working, if it even helps with the attention/focus it comes with bad side effects, with one he couldn't stop talking, I really mean that there was not a second he was awake that there where not words coming out of his mouth, another one made him cry ALL THE TIME, another gave him headaches, and our current one makes him angry. Makes me want to bang my head against the wall. It was hard for me to be ok with meds in the first place, but he was struggling so much that I really felt it would be worth the try, but now I'm second guessing things again.
We did OT for a month or so, but do to the crazy meds felt we where not getting anything out of the OT and have paused it for the time. W will be starting social group classes on Thursday at school and hopefully this will help him out also! Everyday is a struggle for W and my wish is that one day he will just be happy, one day with no tears or anger just a great day for him, and then eventually I wish that he will have more good days then bad.

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